Land Clearing Services for Everyone


+421 915 515 018


Non-binding Offer

We are pleased that you have expressed an interest in our services. We would like to inform you that we determine the price offer only on the basis of a completed personal inspection of the building / land / area. The amount of the price is affected by the size and complexity of the terrain, the density of the vegetation, or other external factors.

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    Call us

    +421 915 515 018

    Green work s.r.o.

    Roľnícke Družstvo, 93526 Starý Tekov

    Registered office:
    Dlhá 60/2, 935 21 Tlmače

    Send us an email

    [email protected]

    Spoločnosť je zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Nitra, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 54910/N